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  • Planning

    Our experience in complete master planning and environmental studies includes maximizing highest and best use, mixed use zoning studies, parking, traffic, and circulation studies, Floor Area Ratios, as well as complete project management services through construction. We have completed site master planning for clients throughout Southern California. Mr.Holliday has been [...]

  • Architecture

    Mr. Holliday has a long-standing reputation for award-winning design as a Principal with DesignARC. He and his firm are committed to providing a functional and aesthetically pleasing design which reflects the project’s contextual setting, budget constraints, and client desires while creating an architectural solution which is both appropriate and innovative. [...]

  • Interior Design

    JM Holliday Associates provides interiors design services for a majority of their projects. The firm strives to create an appropriate blend of interior and exterior architecture which represents an integration of the clients’ functional needs on the interior with the aesthetic and architectural concerns of the exterior. Recently completed projects [...]

  • Management

    Cost control, Scheduling, and Project Management are essential elements to any successful team effort. We employ state-of-the-art estimating systems and consultants to assist us with construction cost estimating at schematic design, design development, and at construction document phases of project development. We employ a Microsoft Project scheduling program to coordinate [...]